The TactiFull™ Investment Strategy
An unemotional approach to investment management
Have you ever noticed how our emotions seem to evolve and intensify as we journey through life? Scientific studies have shown that as we grow older, our emotional experiences tend to become richer and more complex.
However, emotions and decision-making have a very complicated relationship. In the realm of decision-making, emotions can be both a powerful ally and a formidable adversary.

​The LakePointe Advisors Tactifull™ Investment Strategy removes emotion from the investment decision-making process and replaces it with a careful analysis of data to pursue two investment objectives:
Provide attractive long-term total return
Limit volatility and downside risk
Tactifull™ Investment Strategies combine the advantages of a traditional buy and hold approach during confirmed market uptrends while also employing a tactical, defensive overlay to protect during confirmed downtrends.​
​Think of long-term investing like setting out to sail across the ocean. Occasionally, you'll run into a storm during the journey. Most investors are advised to weather the storm or ride it out and hope for the best. At LakePointe Advisors, we choose to go around the storm not through it. You never know how bad it can get and sometimes storms cause shipwrecks. We map out alternate paths and change course when necessary.
At LakePointe Advisors, we believe that our clients deserve better advice than just ride it out or weather the storm during volatile markets.